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Slag pot how to make more durable?

Time:2022-10-09 18:06:58

Large cast steel slag pot is used to store liquid steel slag in steelmaking. As the scale of production continues to increase, this kind of products are constantly developing to large scale. With the increase of weight, more stringent requirements are put forward for large cast steel slag pots.

1. Accurate coaxial dimension of trunnion;

2. Trunnion seat, tank mouth flange, support and tipping lug shall not have internal quality defects;

3. The surface of the slag pot is smooth and smooth;

4, in line with the ultrasonic flaw detection level 3

5. Bear the dead weight of the pipeline, and make the dead weight stress of the pipeline within the permissible perimeter.

6. Increase the stiffness of slag pot pipe to avoid excessive deflection and vibration.

7. Control the size and direction of the thermal displacement of the pipe system to ensure the safe operation of the pipe and connected equipment.


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