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Factors affecting slag pot casting

Time:2022-11-05 02:02:24

Casting ProcessSlag pot foundry pays more attention to the quality of steel castings, but in the casting process, it is sometimes affected by other factors. Today, KUNFENG® heavy Industry will introduce several potential factors to you:

1. In the process of designing, designers should not only determine the geometric shape and size of castings based on working conditions and materials, but also consider the rationality of design from the point of view of casting alloy and the process characteristics, to avoid the segregation, deformation or cracking of large steel castings.

2. The casting process of slag pot is to select a more suitable parting surface or modeling method, and set up riser and gating system according to drawings, product structure, weight, size, characteristics and so on.

3. The quality of raw materials, solvents, fuels, refractories and coatings used by KUNFENG® heavy Industry are all up to the standard, otherwise it will easily lead to defects such as slag inclusion and sand sticking, which will affect the internal and external quality of castings, even worse it will directly lead to the scrapping of large steel castings.


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